Trouble Staying Focused?

I sat down in front of my computer this morning for a very specific reason – To begin looking up manufacturers to create my reminder and affirmation products.
After one hour had passed, I had …
* checked on where I had left off watching a challenge creation tutorial video
*checked FB
*checked both email accounts
* grabbed a book from the shelf that might have the manufacturer’s contact info and read one page.
*Decided to Google ________manufacturers.
*Realized that I was being a Squirrel
*Checked to see if SquirrelSyndrome(dot)com is available (it isn’t)
*Decided to write a post for this FB group about Squirrel Syndrome.
And of course – now it’s been one hour and I have spent less than 5 minutes on finding a manufacturer.
LOL! I’m going to shake it off and set a freakin’ timer so I stay focused Right after I post this
Be an Achiever
Janna Lynn