Your Inner Critic and Identifying Your Dream Stealers
You have specific dreams.
You write them down just as you have been instructed to do by anyone that is teaching personal growth.
Then you create your action plan. You are psyched up because you just know that this time you have it figured out. This time you will reach your goal!
But…somewhere along the line, either the first day or the fifth, it doesn’t matter. You find yourself back where you started.
You ask yourself, What the heck!!?? So when did I lose track? What happened!?
I’ve done this to myself way more times than I probably even know about.
So, it’s like…more introspection? More planning? Disgust, frustration, disappointment, overwhelm.
Then it’s, “Really, I have to start all over?” But you know you’ll never feel fulfilled or complete until what has now turned into the quest for your holy grail…Your Goal.
Dr. Joe Dispenze wrote in his blog…
Most people live by an unconscious program whereby the moment they say some person, thing, or experience is making them feel or think in some way, what they are essentially saying is that something outside of them is controlling the way they think and feel. This is a victim mentality, but if you believe that the way you think and feel can change your life, then you would not be a victim—you would look at your life as a test—and in rising to that challenge or test, you’d no longer think or react in predictable ways. Instead, you would take on the challenge to be greater than your body, greater than your environment, greater than time, and greater than old emotions and habits that have ruled your life for so long. This is how the student becomes the master.
You can read Dr. Joe’s complete blog post here – Life the Great Initiation
Eventually, you realize that you need to ask yourself…
- What are the things that you feel either externally or internally stop you from achieving your goal success?
- What scares the crap out of you or what keeps you awake at night?
- What are your triggers that send all your best-laid thoughts and plans up in smoke?
Be honest with yourself and write down what you feel are your external and internal Dream Stealers. By recognizing what they are you will be able aware when one of your Dream Stealers is talking to you.
External Dream Stealers – What are the things that you feel are outside of yourself that keep you from success? Your job, lack of job, your education level, your boss, other people’s opinions, your bank account balance, food, drugs, alcohol, tobacco?
Internal Dream Stealer- What are the internal signals that keep you stuck from moving towards your goal? Fear, procrastination, lack of focus, I’m not good enough, I’m not smart enough?
All of these Dream Stealer voices are coming from one source – Inner Critic
It doesn’t matter if you perceive that it is external or internal. All your perceptions come from your Inner Critic. It – Inner Critic – has picked up on what opinions, attitudes, and beliefs you have about things. Then Inner Critic files them in its fact file.
Now that you are aware of your Dream Stealers what plans are you going to make when one of them pokes its head up and tries to keep you from achieving your goal?
- Recognize the dream stealer, tell it to be quiet, and continue with your plan to achieve your goal.
- If the dream stealer is external ~ remove the offending source from your daily life.
- Be constantly reminding yourself of what you DO want and act/be that person now.
Make a commitment to yourself that you WILL achieve your goals.
Remember, it is up to you to plan, create, and live your Dream Life.
Peace and Love
Janna Lynn