Your Comfort Zone Belongs To Someone Else
There’s a famous quote…
Until you make your subconscious conscious you will call it fate, and it will rule your life. – Carl Jung
But, how the heck do you make your subconscious conscious?
Honestly, it’s critical that you find out.
After all, your subconscious is running your life 95% of the time.
When I was younger I never gave it any thought.
It wasn’t even on my radar.
In my 30s I picked up a few books by Wayne Dyer in my first attempt at personal growth.
But the subconscious/consciousness chapters went over my head.
Way too esoteric for me. I couldn’t wrap my head around something I couldn’t see.
In my 40s I had a panic attack and backed out of a life-changing real estate purchase.
I couldn’t believe what had happened! I had NEVER had a panic attack before!
I’ve spent over a decade digging into why the panic attack happened.
And, of course, it’s because my subconscious wants to stay in ITS comfort zone.
The further I tried to stretch the limits of my comfort zone the louder my subconscious would get.
It caused plenty of fear, doubt, and insecurity.
In order to win the mental tug of war, I created a persona for my subconscious inner critic.
Creating a separation between my hopes, dreams, and goals and ITS comfort zone was the beginning of reaching some of my goals.
And now, I’m on a mission to shine the spotlight on the subconscious inner critic.
Like Carl Jung said…
Until you make your subconscious conscious you will call it fate, and it will rule your life.
Be an Achiever!
Janna Lynn