How to Catch Your Sabotaging Inner Voice in Action

Has fear ever stopped you from achieving your dream goals?
It’s happened to me – plenty of times.
Fear is part of being human.
But there’s a way to recognize and control it.
Whether you call it fear, doubt, indecision, self-sabotage, procrastination, or all of the above.
It all comes from one place. Your subconscious.
Revisiting the famous quote from Carl Jung…
Until you make your subconscious conscious you will call it fate, and it will rule your life.
How do you start to sort out your subconscious voice from your voice?
With an easy/fun detective game…
And, you’ll start hearing and feeling it after you ask yourself one question.
First, bring to mind a goal you’ve always wanted to achieve then ask yourself…
What is one of my most wished-for dream goals?
Briefly think about that goal.
Then, listen to what that self-doubting voice in your head has to say about that dream goal. And feel the response in your body.
That voice could sound something like, “Ya, you’ve tried doing that before and you just can’t ever get it figured out”.
And, along with the answer comes a feeling of discomfort and anxiety in your body.
As easy as that, you’ve heard and felt your subconscious response to your question.
You’ve actually just caught your Inner Critic in action!
Whoa! Wait a minute! Seriously!?
Ask yourself another question about another of your dream goals and listen and feel for the answer.
100% of the time your subconscious Inner Critic is going to have something to say or a feeling that it will give about why reaching your goal isn’t possible.
Your Inner Critic is in charge of fear, doubt, self-sabotage, procrastination, and even panic attacks.
Your Inner Critic has a comfort zone and it will do EVERYTHING in its power to stay in that comfort zone.
So, this week make a game of catching your Inner Critic voice as it talks back to you.
Your Inner Critic always has something to say.
Until next time,
Be Aware
Janna Lynn Skroch
P.S. Please reply if you have any questions or comments.
P.S.S. I’m on a mission to shine the spotlight on the subconscious inner critic.
Until you make your subconscious conscious you will call it fate, and it will rule your life – Carl Jung