Limiting Beliefs – Are They REALLY Yours?

A panic attack made me realize that I wasn’t really in control of my life so I decided to DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT!
Your subconscious runs your life – especially your habits and limiting beliefs – until you tell it to KNOCK IT OFF!
I‘ve chosen to adopt the mindset that limiting beliefs belong to my inner negative voice, my Inner Critic, my Inner Imposter.
Because of that decision I’ve been able to…
- At the age of 52 years old my entrepreneurial life started. I’ve created yearly seven-figures in eCommerce since then.
- At 58 I started running 5k races.
- At 61 I ran my first half-marathon. (LOL! I wondered what the heck I got myself into!)
- I’m a co-author of two best-selling books. Get Past Your Sh*t and The Year the World Paused.
- I’m a certified Success Principles trainer (Jack Canfield)
- And now I’m creating my passion business I Create My Life Today. It is a physical and digital products business designed to help women – especially women entrepreneurs – tame their own inner negative voice, Inner Critic, Inner Imposter.
You see, your inner critic is designed to keep you in ITS comfort zone. That’s all it knows.
After the panic attack (circa 2010) I HAD to find out why I threw away my dream goal of owning my own business.
I was within MINUTES of the realtor presenting my offer to the seller.
I was physically and mentally melting down – literally!
I had uncontrollable sweats, I was shaking, my heart was racing, and I thought I was going to faint!
I called the realtor and told her to NOT present my offer!
I wondered what the heck just happened! I really think I was in shock!
Because of the panic attack, I spent a LOT of time reading books on the subjects of mindset, success, neuroscience, and the new thought writers of the late 1800s.
One sentence in a book completely changed my life!
“You either allow or create everything in your life”.
The Success Principle by Jack Canfield (the Chicken Soup for the Soul series)
I was (and still am) absolutely committed to creating my own life – not just letting life happen to me.
You can do this by being aware of your what your Inner Imposter is telling you.
What feelings and emotions is your Inner Imposter throwing your way?
You MUST get control of your Inner Imposter or you will continue to go in a never-ending loop of dreaming, planning, and self-sabotage.
This is getting a bit long-winded so I’ll end it here for today.
But, think about it… “You either allow or create everything in your life”.
Choose to Create!
Be an Achiever!
Janna Lynn Skroch
Founder: I Create My Life Today TM